From left to right: Hannes, Alexander Rakov Manager of Buchim and Borov Dol, Gordana
We are very proud to announce that Buchim Borov Dol continues to support GENERALKA WEEKEND in 2025 as an Official Partner. This long term collaboration between Buchim Borov Dol and Man And Mountain is paved by great actions such as several SONCHEVA GORA ZA ZITE plantations in Radovis, Stip, Konce and many other municipalities in Macedonia. For the second year in a row Buchim Borov Dol as an Official Partner of GENERALKA WEEKEND supports this action that has become the biggest environmental and social action in Macedonia as well as in the Western Balkans!
Our third article just went out and this time it is about a vision of our National Parks in Macedonia. Visit our national treasures – make things better – leave something great for future generations! Read it on!
Во името на тимот на „Мен енд Маунтен“ и во името на сите соработници и партнери на ГЕНЕРАЛКА ВИКЕНД, изразуваме длабоко и искрено сочувство до семејствата на прерано згаснатите животи во огнената стихија, која се случи во Кочани.
Јазикот е понекогаш тесен да изрази вакви деликатни емоции. Тагата за страотната смрт на млади животи, ги преплави нашите срца со очај, чемер и горчина.
Во вакви безнадежни моменти, треба да смогнеме сила за трошка надеж и да пронајдеме искра светлина во овие мрачни лавиринти и конечно да се приближиме едни кон други. Заедништвото, колективниот дух и меѓучовечката емпатијата нека бидат нашиот зеднички јазик.
Како никогаш досега, треба да се обединиме околу идејата да создадеме иднина и дом, кои ќе ги обединат сите чесни и трудољубиви луѓе. Да трасираме пат по кој нашите деца ќе го пронајдат своето место под сонцето.
Не е доволно само да ги исчистиме од ѓубре нашите градови и да ги пошумиме нашите ридови и планини, треба да го прочистиме и нашето општество и да вдахнеме во него чесна наобразба, меѓусебно разбирање и почит кон самите себе.
Системот сме сите ние.
Секој од нас носи одговорност во заедницата.
Секој од нас е значајна алка во системот. Доколку едната алка се скине, системот станува нефункционален. Трепетот на секој од нас се рефлектира на трепетот на другиот. Доколку делуваме синхронизирано ќе делуваме беспрекорно.
Нашата љубов оди кон семејствата, кои претрпеа незамисливи загуби. Нашата љубов е кон сите луѓе во нашата земја, кои се чувствуваат скршено и осамено. Нашата љубов е кон сите оние кои веруваат во промени и веруваат дека можеме да имаме подобро утре. Нашата љубов е за сите вас, затоа што знаеме дека само заедно – рака под рака – можеме да се извлечеме од овие мрачни времиња и да го обновиме нашиот дом – само заедно – за сите!
From left to right: Vulnet Sela, Hannes, Gordana, Robert Cajic, Andreas Opelt, Arsim Fidani
We are happy and proud that SAUBERMACHER Macedonia joined the group of official partners of GENERALKA WEEKEND in 2025. In 2024 in a historic effort, they were cleaning three illegal landfills in the National Park Sar Planina, installed new waste bins and implemented regular waste cleaning in those remote villages that never had any waste cleaning service before!
From left to right: Hannes, Hans Roth, Gordana
With their help Tetovo and the National Park Sar Planina are getting cleaner every day! With the ongoing and continuous effort to implement regular and reliable waste cleaning in Tetovo as well as modern standards in mechanisation and security for employees, Saubermacher truly became one of the leading companies in our country and one of the best examples for great management, dedication and sustainability. Thank you for your support and trust!
Today our first article of “What If…” column in Vecer is released. “What If…?” is a series of weekly released articles about future visions for our cities and our country created by the people behind GENERALKA WEEKEND.
The first article brings us right back to the future of our past: What if we repurpose the river Varder as a place for urban refreshment in Skopje?
Check it out in the print and electronic edition of today’s edition of VECER Press.
We are very happy and proud to announce that EVN as one of the best environmental and social responsible companies in our country will continue our partnership in GENERALKA WEEKEND in 2025! Thank you very much for your trust and engagement in making our country a better place for present and future generations!
Today Gordana and Hannes had the honour to meet the President of the Republic of N. Macedonia Gordana Siljanovska Davkova. They were discussing several aspects of waste selection, waste collection, public awareness for environmental topics as well as the importance of implementing environmental protection in the law as well as in the patterns of behaviour. The president also pointed out that she is supporting activities to preserve our environment such as GENERALKA WEEKEND and other initiatives for environmental protection and education.
We are very happy and proud of signing a memorandum of collaboration between the State Environment Inspectorate and MAM. With the challenges and solutions ahead of us, a strong partnership and trustworthy collaboration with the institutions of our country are the most important cornerstones of a robust and sustainable future.
We are very proud to welcome our official partners Makstil to GENERALKA WEEKEND 2025 for the second year in a row. We could not organize and realize GENERALKA WEEKEND and SONCHEVA GORA without the dedication and support of our official partners! We are very grateful for your trust and your continued commitment to a green transition in our country.