“Ghent to Kumanovo – a Belgian-Macedonian success trail”

The new year started with a reception in Ghent, organized by SON and Man And Mountain LLC and Belgian-Macedonian Business Club. It was the occasion to present the River Cleaning action in Kumanovo, supported by the province of East Flanders; the GENERALKA cleaning activity and the Belgian-Macedonian economic relations and the opportunities for Belgian companies, presented with the example of four successful projects.

Numerous guests from Provincie Oost-Vlaanderen, Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT), the government of North Macedonia, the Macedonian embassy in Brussels, the Belgian-Macedonian business community and the participating organisations had the occasion to meet and exchange. Jan Hozzee from Trefpunt presented the location and the idea behind the Ghent-Kumanovo activity. Hannes Jaeckl presented a movie about it and the vision of a waste-free country. Deputy Prime Minister addressed the public with his experience as a Belgian-Macedonian citizen and Hilde De Saedeleir presented the BMBC and the economic opportunities.

In the tradition of the BMBC there was a “Taste of Macedonia” buffet, made possible thanks to the support of numerous volunteers and generous sponsors, of which Pelagonia and Tikveš Winery, with many traditional and new innovative items.

Looking forward for future events to present the economic opportunities!